The most popular Civil Pilot Training aircraft globally. The aircraft has all the advanced avionics required by national as well as international standards for short and long flights. C-152 is a twin-seat, single-engine airplane with dual control and certified for single as well as double crew operations. It is very agile and easy to handle, mostly used to train beginners.
We have our favorite C-172, Single-engine fixed-wing aircraft, one that is good to learn on. With its built-in aerodynamic stability, that can often return a plane to straight and level flight after a spin and a capacity of 4 people, making it perfect for training and fun rides.
C-206 is a proven flying machine capable of flying long distances required for cross-country flights in Pakistan. With its enhanced seat capacity, this aircraft will be utilized for charter operations as well. Flying school is also working to enhance the number of aircraft.
Airborne Aviation is proud to include the Storm Rally 105 in its collections, which is a high-wing, light body aircraft of conventional design. The cabin seats two, side-by-side, and the undercarriage is of fixed, tricycle structure that makes it super light and easy to handle for training.
Principles Of Our Work
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1. Pulvinar dapibus leo
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2. Lorem dolor sit amet
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Our Experience
Vestibulum semper pharetra. Curabitur cursus sapien sed porta dapibus.
Lorem ipsum – dolor quis ex mattis, euismod mauris eget, scelerisque sapien. Quisque semper malesuada ipsum!
Our Company In Numbers
Lorem dolor sit glavrida amet. Vestibulum semper sed magna arcu eget nisi mattis lacinia sit sem pretium congue. Fusce eget arcu eget nisi mattis lacinia sit amet at sem. Quisque ornare lorem ipsum pharetra.
This flying club was founded in 2012 by a group of overseas Pakistani’s with a vision to provide Top-Notch services and education to the aspiring Pilots to become the best in Aviation Industry.
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Room No. 1,2 & 5 TYPSA building, near Civil Aviation Medical Board, Allama Iqbal International Airport Lahore
Airborne Aviation Hangar, 10-F Walton Airport Lahore